Sunday, June 23, 2013

New Sweet Mates

Today my journey at Columbia University began. Fortunately, we were all able to sleep in so when I woke up I felt energized for the day ahead. After a quick breakfast at the diner next to the hotel, we checked out and boarded a taxi to take us to Columbia University. During the taxi ride I realized that I am starting to feel more familiar with the layout of New York. Now I have at least some sense of direction and know where many of the major landmarks are.

Early on in the day, I felt a great sense of anticipation for what was to come. I couldn’t wait to meet my roommate and the other people in my sweet. I was nervous to see if we would get along. I was also excited to meet my RAs. I hoped that they would be kind and approachable. When we arrived at the school after the taxi ride, I realized that all those questions would be answered in a matter of hours. I knew I would have a big day ahead.

After we left the taxis, we entered Columbia University. I didn’t expect much from the campus, but it was absolutely gorgeous. The tall buildings that shelter much of Columbia’s campus from the outside city make it feel like Manhattan is far away. I could just imagine studying on the vast grassy areas in the middle of the University. After waiting in line for a about a half an hour, we checked in and found out where our dorms are.  The six of us are spread out across four different buildings. Although I hoped we would all be together, I know that we will be more likely to branch out and meet new people if we are all spread out.

When I entered my dorm room, it was incredibly hot. Lucky I was able to find the air conditioner and turn it on, so it is now a much more confortable temperature. I quickly unpacked and then went with Mrs. L to visit the rooms of the five others in the group. My room not nearly as nice as many, but I don’t care because I will probably spend very little time inside. My bed is confortable, so I am content.

After we toured one another’s homes for the next three weeks, we headed to the bookstore and pharmacy to buy a sweatshirt and school supplies. After much consideration, I chose a very nice Polo sweatshirt. It is very warm and confortable and I know it will be well used in the freezing Bay Area. I’m excited to wear it when I return home. The time flew by and before I knew it, we were saying our goodbyes to Mrs. L. It was a strange feeling to walk into Columbia as without her. I will definitely miss her good humor and endless knowledge of New York City.

Elena, Anmol and I walked together into the building. We went to my room and introduced ourselves to a girl from across the hall. We spent the next hour walking around campus and introducing ourselves to new people and familiarizing ourselves with the grounds. At 4:45 PM we split up to met with our sweet mates. After an a few icebreakers, we headed to a barbeque dinner where we all got to know one another better. At dinner I sat next to Tatiana, a girl from the country Columbia. We disused the differences and similarities between our lives. Although we come from very different backgrounds, we have a ton in common.

After dinner, our RAs led us on a campus tour. I will definitely get lost, but the tour helped me to put names to many of the areas on campus and the RAs assured us that they would always be available to ask for directions. Hopefully the combination of a campus map and an RA will insure that I am never lost for long. After the tour, we went over the rules of the summer program and then went outside to sign up for events. There is so much to do in New York and I know that I will not have nearly enough time to experience it all. Still, I am so excited to see what I will have time to see! Without Ivy League Connection, I would never have the opportunity to experience such a program. I am so grateful for this opportunity and I plan to work hard and live life to the fullest while I am here.

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