Today was the Orientation for all the ILCers at Pinole Middle School. We soaked up information like sponges. We went over the basics one more time before we all head off to our destinations. One thing that was reiterated many times was the importance of being on time. This will be necessary for us in our classes and later on in life, when we are actually attending college and get jobs. We will not be given multiple chances to show up on time. Mr. Ramsey used his personal experience in order to display the importance of being on time and following procedure. When we have our own careers, there will be no space for not being on time or not following procedures. These are all essential to being successful.
Once the general information was given, we all slip up into our cohorts. I followed the Columbia cohort into a room that had the Columbia flag on the outside. The students were told to sit together, because we are all going to New York together! We should bond more since we are going to see a lot of each other when we go, if we're not too busy in the library that is. It's hitting me even more that we are going to New York City! We will be attending Columbia, which is such a prestigious and amazing school, and we will tour so many other wonderful colleges.
In the room, we also got our brief itinerary. The chaperones, as well as the others who work with the ILC, have to do so much work! I don't think we acknowledge that enough so I just want to thank all those who have helped make the ILC happen. Seeing the itinerary, it really hit me. There are so many details that go into making the Ivy League Connection work smoothly and safely. There are many rules that we have to follow but they are all for our own good.
Once we finished our little chat, we went back to join the rest of the ILC. We heard the closing remarks, and then were dismissed. All the work that we put in, from the essays to getting the application in, is paying off. I remember the interview like it was yesterday so I am still in disbelief that our departure date is in two weeks. I know that my entire cohort is as excited as I am, and I know that this will be an amazing and very educational trip.
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